Thursday, June 14, 2007

Ya Don't Say

“The only real controversy behind saying the word nigger is…, for the first time in America history, a black man told a white man that there is something he cannot do.”---Chris Rock

Okay, where were we? Ah, yes, Imus. He got fired for saying something stupid. Imagine that. Now here’s a little known Black History fact, Imus has been riding this short school bus skit for 30 years. Now the corporate suits concluded that he’s too over-the-top? Wow, white people are so strange. Personally, I don’t believe in censorship of any kind. For one, it goes against the very principal of a democracy. Secondly, it’ll open a pandora's box that America will never fairly or adequately “police.” Furthermore, how can anyone south of Jesus legislate morals?

Is Imus an ass? Certainly. But, last I checked that’s not against the law. If it was Charles Barkley would be doing life—plus ten. As far as the girls’ hoop team from Rutgers goes, it is important to remember it’s not what you are called; it’s what you answer to. So, if I had a vote [which I am positive most black people are elated that I don’t] I would’ve voted NOT to fire Imus. No one asked me, but I also would’ve never hired him—which I think is where the discussion should start.

My cube-mate asked me why is the good Reverend Sharpton and his podium pal Jesse involved in every racial situation in America? I rhetorically answered... maybe because someone disassembled the Klan? I thought that would’ve ended the conversation, but noooooo. So, once that awkward silence ended, I asked: Would you rather digest the racial opinions of Louis Farrakhan, Belafonte, or Hugo Chavez? I sure do. I told my naïve neighbor that media loves Jesse and Al because they inject a certain emotion (oddly within black and white people) every time their face hits the flat screen. And, the media is about steroid ratings, not substance—which is why Hugo will NEVER be invited to speak at the United Nations again. Jesse and Al may have a picnic there. You can now add my name to the list of Black people that my noisy neighbor would rather not hear from. I wonder if he realizes how mutual the feeling.

1 love,
Ray Lewis

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Another great read Ray.. I especially felt the line "it is important to remember it’s not what you are called; it’s what you answer to"..That hits home on so many different levels..
I personally believe that Imus should have been made to do a piece on the team, emphasizing their achievements and goals..That would have not only satisfied me be humiliating Imus, but it could quite possibly change the perception of the next ignorant, slur-slinging Imus..
Thank you for sharing..


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