Thursday, October 30, 2008


You can measure a nation by the way it treats the least among them

The comical political euphoria that is gripping black America is almost knee-slapping funny to me. Because of my outward smirk, people often ask me, [make that, people often TELL ME]… Ray, why don’t you like Barack, man? As if I am breaking some silly fraternity Faux Pas. The internal giggling intensifies when I respond with: First of all I could never dislike someone that I have never met. That would be ignorant. An objective voter would assess it would be equally ignorant to proudly and blindly support someone they have never met either. But, I digress. As crazy as (local congresswoman) Cynthia McKinney was (and still is) at least she came to my house for a pledge and support. So if I were to try to defend her at least I have a REAL, first hand foundation. Starting to see the light?

Nevertheless, its this type of social observation that got me ushered out of an Oprah book club meeting, when I simply stated, I think Oprah lowers that standard of journalism. Can you believe they kicked me out of the meeting for that? And, the meeting was at my house. I have come to the conclusion that Barack and Oprah have managed to elevate their social platform so high that they are above CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. Think about that for a second! They have not only circumvented the First Amendment Right, they are now reached mythical proportions. Like that of Gandhi, the Pope or Jesus Himself. Actually, I hear people criticizing the latter three all the time and defended much less. Imagine that Heavenly round-tabled discussion.

I think the saddest part of this commentary is layered with irony. For starters, it is my belief that Barack would warmly welcome an open conversation about some of the issues that I have raised (on this site) and that most loyal supporters are in total oblivion to. His two-time Patriot Act support would top that list. I believe his concerted effort to remain race-neutral is worth a lunchroom discussion. Especially since big, fat white women still clutch their purse when I enter an elevator and I am not going to raise anyone’s taxes. We’d probably need more than a lunch to discuss, The Point System, World Banking, Katrina, the real predators behind 9-11, and finally, the consolidation of banks that are being neatly veiled as a “middle class” Bailout. Barack, is so smooth, I almost fell for that one. ALMOST!! We would have to go to sleep-a-way camp to discuss why black kids are moving target practice for white police officers. My rabbit ear antenna must have failed when Oprah did that show.

Now, I know what you electric sliding Barack line dancers keep telling me… Man, just wait until he gets into office, he’ll address all of that and more. Funny, these same loyalists said that about Bill Clinton.

Remember him? Yep, that dumbly dubbed “Black President.” That's right the same president that called your boy…, Boy!! Oh, boy! Clinton and Barack appear to be boys, again. It is amazing what a 30-minute infomercial and a singing, fat lady (warming up an Oval Office) will do for a friendship. Man, politics make for strange bed fellows.

Rest well, Barack. I know black people and their euphoria…. it can turn like an off-key Mary J. concert or a crowded Barney revival. If that happens give me a call man, you know I’ll listen. After all that’s what REAL friends are for.

Click blog title for video, underscore.

1 love,
Ray Lewis


  There are just over 425 days until the next presidential selection. And from all the unofficial, official, on-air political pundits, cable...