Thursday, August 25, 2005

Standing Pat

I have said this before, and as a preface, it is worth repeating. I would rather be homeless in America than a citizen of 75% of the rest of the world’s countries.

Now that we have established that fact, the apathy the U.S. Government, Congress and the Federal Communications Committee has exuded in regard to Christian broadcaster Pat Robertson’s comment [the USA should assassinate Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez] further underscores the overt racism and blatant double-standards that continue to divide and plague this country. I can recall the time when Sony Music forced Michael Jackson to re-release the History LP when he made what “they” considered anti-Semitic remarks about the Jewish Community. One would have thought that Sony would've listened to the LP before the originally released date. Today, The Jackson/Sony relationship seems to have hit a record (no pun intended) low.

I also remember Jesse Jackson making an off-the-cuff remark about the Jewish Community when he labeled their community Hymie Town. Since then, Jackson's illegitimate child and misplaced marches have further solidified his place in infamy with the non-black community. We black folks, for some mysterious reason, still pledge our allegiance to Mr. Jackson. It is no secret that White Community is still at a gasp every time Minister Louis Farrakhan’s name is uttered -- I believe some of them have pressed their black suits and rehearsed his eulogy in their sleep.

We have not heard a peep out of this easily offended white community in regard to Mr. Robertson in fact Pat Robertson has since denied saying that he wanted the Venezuelan President assassinated. Naturally, when shown his own video-taped clip, he finally apologized. On last Wednesday's edition of The 700 Club, taped in the morning, Robertson said: "I didn't say "assassination.' I said our special forces should, quote, "take him out,” and "take him out' can be a number of things including kidnapping. There are a number of ways to take out a dictator from power besides killing him. I was misinterpreted; but that happens all the time. So what have we learned?

Pat Roberson is not only a two-faced liar, reluctantly apologetic, but he’s also a punk.

But at least he has his health.
And, people wonder why more Christians listen to Kanye West, than so-called religious leaders.

Speaking of West, his new joint “Late Registration” drops next Tuesday, August 30, 2005. I, like Chris Rock, am finding it more and more difficult to defend hip hop music, but Kanye West’s latest makes that defense a tad bit easier. In an arena that has lost its creativity and most of its originality, West brings the heat to a slightly chilled medium. Pick up this month’s very credible Time Magazine article on West and read all about him.

After all it's about Time to stop standing Pat.

1 Love,
Ray Lewis


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